About Cassidy Stefka

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Reflecting on my week with my grandmothers

Sitting on my bus back to Prague from spending a couple days in Vienna, I am starting my reflection process on my summer.

To keep this post, I’ll reminisce only on my last week with my babickas.  In case you couldn’t translate that using context clues….babicka is Czech for grandmother.

And what a wild week it has been. 

We spent 4 days together roaming around Prague, and I couldn’t have been more happy to show them around the city I’ve grown to love these last 5 weeks. 

Honestly, I’m not sure how I even talked them into visiting me – I’ll chalk it up to a mid-life crises.  Yes, mid-life.  These 70 something year old ladies stayed upbeat and positive the entire trip and there were times I would have to remind myself that maybe I shouldn’t be suggesting so many activities to them.  But I think I am right when assuming they enjoyed our busy pace. 

It was a week unlike anything I have ever experienced in any of my travels thus far. 

Here’s a few highlights:

When picking my grandmothers up from the airport, I waited nearly 4 hours outside the arrival gate.  After hour one, I was incredibly worried.  I had their names called over every intercom in Prague international airport, I convinced Delta airlines to give out confidential information regarding whether or not they made their connecting flight from Paris (they did), and I walked the entire length of the airport – 3 times.  After hour two….I frantically messaged my cousin (and traveling expert) Kyla asking for advice.  It was only 5 a.m. back home, so I was so relieved when she responded.  Upon her advice I tried everything I could to get back into baggage claim.  Needless to say, I got caught, and kicked out of the baggage claim entry, twice.  I called baggage claim begging to be allowed back there to look for the ladies, and got hung up on twice again. 

Hour three brought on panic.  I had their names called over the intercom several more times, smoked probably 5 cigarettes outside the arrival gate door, and called baggage claim again leaving my name with a man over the phone.  I also lost my free internet connection at the airport and was unable to continue messaging Kyla – my only lifeline at that moment.

Hour 4 brought despair.  I decided I would wait as long as it took me to smoke one more cigarette and then I would catch a bus back to the city to find internet.  It was then, that my Grandma Emma walked out the door calling my name.  I was sooo happy – I may have let a tear or two shed. 

Long story short – they thought I could pick them up inside baggage claim (you cannot in most European airports), and their luggage had gotten left behind in Paris.  Some jerk told them if they left baggage claim they wouldn’t be allowed back in and wouldn’t get their luggage.  If I would have seen him, I would have socked him.

We relaxed for awhile – but our hotel didn’t have air conditioning, so we decided to trek into Old Town Prague to find some food.  It was a miserable night to say the least, and the next morning we took 2 trems to a new hotel in New Town Prague.  It was wonderful, and gave us easy access to all types of public transportation, and from there, we explored nearly every street in Prague (kind of). 

I wore them out early!

The shopping.  – OH THE SHOPPING! We found a Bohemian Jewelry store – and became fast friends with the owners (maybe because we went back 3 more times….and made 8 purchases….I don’t know).  The gifts we found were extraordinary, and I know our families will enjoy the thoughtfulness. 

My Babickas - Mary left, Emma right. 
This post is becoming rather lengthy…..so I will continue onto another to give your eyes a break.

Hey!  - Thanks for reading! 

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